Miesiąc: listopad 2023
Jak psycholog wyjaśnia siłę napędową ludzkiego zachowania: czym jest motywacja
Czytaj Więcej: Jak psycholog wyjaśnia siłę napędową ludzkiego zachowania: czym jest motywacjaPsycholog o motywacji. Psycholog mówiąc o motywacji ma na myśli że to niewidzialna siła, która popycha nas w kierunku naszych celów i kształtuje nasze zachowania. Jest czynnikiem napędzającym nasze działania, decyzje i osiągnięcia. Od najprostszych zadań po najbardziej ambitne przedsięwzięcia – zrozumienie zawiłości motywacji zapewnia cenny wgląd w psychikę i zachowanie człowieka. W tym artykule…
According to psychologists, how can we influence self-esteem and what actions threaten it?
Czytaj Więcej: According to psychologists, how can we influence self-esteem and what actions threaten it?Psychologists’ view. Self-esteem plays a fundamental role in our lives and influences how we perceive ourselves, others and our surroundings. However, this is not a fixed trait that we have from birth; it is a construct that develops over the course of life and may change. There are many factors that affect self-esteem, as well…
According to psychologists, how does self-esteem change over the course of life?
Czytaj Więcej: According to psychologists, how does self-esteem change over the course of life?Self-evaluation Self-esteem is a key element of our psyche and affects many aspects of our lives. Research shows that it is an extremely important psychological resource that changes constantly throughout our existence. Scientific research by psychologists. Scientists have recently been analyzing numerous studies on self-esteem to understand how it changes from childhood to old age.…
Patient to psychologist: „Is something wrong with me?” So who are neurotics?
Czytaj Więcej: Patient to psychologist: „Is something wrong with me?” So who are neurotics?Psychologist asked: What is neuroticism? Neuroticism was once considered a mental functioning disorder. In the 19th century, a lot of medical research was devoted to neurosis as a disease causing significant suffering. In the 1980s, the American Psychiatric Association removed neuroticism from its diagnostic recommendations. Currently, neuroticism is a personality trait that occurs in all…
Psychologist on this: What impact does the premature loss of a father have on girls’ lives?
Czytaj Więcej: Psychologist on this: What impact does the premature loss of a father have on girls’ lives?Psychologist on the trauma of abandonment Abandonment is an experience that can affect people throughout their lives, especially if it occurred during a crucial period of development. For many people, abandonment becomes a source of trauma that manifests itself in various aspects of life, both in relationships and internally. In this article, we will analyze…
Psychologist on this: What impact does the premature loss of a father have on girls’ lives?
Czytaj Więcej: Psychologist on this: What impact does the premature loss of a father have on girls’ lives?Psychologist on the trauma of abandonment Abandonment is an experience that can affect people throughout their lives, especially if it occurred during a crucial period of development. For many people, abandonment becomes a source of trauma that manifests itself in various aspects of life, both in relationships and internally. In this article, we will analyze…
What, according to psychiatrists, are the factors influencing the development of schizophrenia?
Czytaj Więcej: What, according to psychiatrists, are the factors influencing the development of schizophrenia?Psychiatrists on the influence of the environment on schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a mental illness that is influenced by many factors, including the environment in which the individual develops. Psychiatrists have noticed that the environment may play an important role in the development of schizophrenia and influence the course of the disease and the prognosis of…
Psychiatrist in Krakow – Genetic factors and bipolar disorder
Czytaj Więcej: Psychiatrist in Krakow – Genetic factors and bipolar disorderThrough the eyes of a psychiatrist. Bipolar disorder is a condition that affects both patients and their families. Sick people and their loved ones, after hearing the diagnosis made by a psychiatrist in Krakow, may experience various symptoms, such as disbelief, denial or even a sense of guilt. However, it is important to understand that…
Apathy through the eyes of a psychiatrist from Krakow
Czytaj Więcej: Apathy through the eyes of a psychiatrist from KrakowApathy through the eyes of a psychiatrist from Krakow Apathy is a mental state characterized by indifference, lack of willingness to participate in events happening around, and emotional coldness. It is not a separate disease, but a set of symptoms accompanying a number of somatic diseases and mental disorders. If left untreated, the sufferer’s condition…