How, according to psychologists, do people experience negative emotions?

Psychologists about emotions.

According to psychologists, not only from Krakow, negative emotions are an integral part of human life. Some people believe that feeling anger, sadness, shame, guilt can be harmful and even dangerous. Therefore, they try to get rid of these emotions at all costs.

Experiencing negative emotions is indeed quite difficult, although there are different ways to deal with them. You can try to learn the meaning of negative emotions and the reasons for their appearance (the consequences of negative feelings decrease and become easier to live when we better understand their nature). Unfortunately, not every person is able to make such an effective analysis on their own, it seems to them that the only solution is to avoid negative emotions. A psychologist-psychotherapist conducting therapy at the Synapsa Lesser Poland Psychotherapy Center in Krakow can help you better understand your emotional states and build effective strategies for dealing with difficult emotions.

When a person is not fully aware of the sources and consequences of their feelings, emotions can be ignored, but they will continue to affect a person’s life. A person may start to get sick more often, there may be sleep or eating disorders, sudden changes in mood, conflicts with close people. Such changes are a consequence of emotions repressed from consciousness, constantly looking for a way out. Very often, repressed emotions turn into psychosomatic symptoms, then both consultation with a psychiatrist and psychodynamic psychotherapy are recommended.

Why do people experience emotions?

Negative emotions are signals from the psyche that indicate discomfort or conflict within. Mental pain can be compared to somatic pain because all types of pain are stimulated by the same higher-order cortical centers. Both mental and physical pain signal illness. For example, being angry can mean violating our boundaries or interests; guilt signals that we have behaved unfairly to someone; sadness can be a response to experiencing loss.

Some people experience fear when they perceive negative emotions in themselves or others. Such a reaction can be associated with a number of reasons:

  • When in the family, showing emotions (both positive and negative) was forbidden. In this case, the external experience of emotions is associated with breaking the bans of parents and their expectations.
    Some people find that their emotional state can be intolerable to other people. This is because the parents (usually the mother) have not seen how they should react to the child’s intense emotions. In response to the child’s emotional manifestation, the mother felt confused, not seeing how she should react correctly, or felt angry at the lack of control over the child’s condition.
  • There are people who are afraid of losing control of their emotions, which can result in unintentional harm. They fear that the consequences of behavior under the influence of emotions can be negative and irreparable. This type of fear arises when a person feels anger, hatred, rage. When a person is sad, embittered, the terrifying potential consequences are different. The person is afraid that if he allows himself to be exposed to these emotions, they may completely consume him, and he will fall into an even deeper depression from which he sees no way out.
  • Some people treat intense emotions as weakness. Such people have a problem not only with expression, but also with feeling emotions. They have difficulty expressing their emotions because they think they will be treated by others as sentimental, out of control people. This concern is more often faced by men who worry about having a ruthlessly strong emploi. However, women also suffer for similar reasons: they fear being perceived as stereotypically emotional, hysterical or capricious.

Very often, the display of emotions seems foreign to a mature person striving for success. On the other hand, a truly mature man is aware of his emotions, is not afraid to express emotions and experience them fully. Understanding one’s emotions, their causes and real consequences contributes to the improvement of mental well-being and enables leading a diverse, emotionally rich life.


If you notice a problem with feeling or expressing emotions, it is worth using the help of a psychologist-psychotherapist in Krakow. Psychodynamic psychotherapy is considered one of the most effective ways to get to know yourself, your thoughts and emotions better. During therapy, the patient can both get answers to the questions that have bothered him for years, as well as find the true sources of his suffering and ways of coping. A psychodynamic psychotherapist can show the patient that limitations in experiencing emotions are a non-adaptive strategy, he can help get rid of these limitations and enable him to lead an authentic life.