Desire disorder
Sexual health is one of the pillars of human health and includes both the biological, mental and emotional spheres. Up to 30% of the population, regardless of gender, may suffer from sexual dysfunction. Among people suffering from some form of sexual dysfunction, only 18% are aware of their problems, and among them, 40% seek help from specialists. Therefore, it seems very important to know about sexual health and to be aware of when to seek help from a sexologist.
Desire disorders are classified slightly differently for men and women, although the symptoms are very similar. Women are diagnosed with a disorder of sexual interest/arousal, while men are diagnosed with decreased sexual desire. For both of these diagnoses, the primary problem is a lack of or decreased interest in sexual activity. This problem affects 25% of women and 7% of men. The disorder can be lifelong, meaning that the person has not felt desire since the beginning of sexual activity, or it can be acquired, meaning the symptoms start at some point in life, while previously sexual activity was normal. A sexologist can help in discovering the causes.
In addition to the basic symptom of desire disorder, i.e. lack of interest in sexual activity, people with this problem also often report the lack of thoughts or fantasies with sexual content, lack of arousal or lack of genital sensations. It also often happens that a person has the will to engage in sexual activity, but cannot even feel pleasure during intercourse. What is also important in diagnosing this disorder, it can take a generalized or situational form. This means that a person can experience a lack of desire in any situation and with any partner, but the disorder can also be limited to specific situations or specific partners.
When to seek help from a sexologist?
When should you go to a sexologist if there is a suspicion of desire disorder? This question is best answered with another question – does the lack of interest in sexual activity bring suffering? It can be the psychological suffering of a person with desire disorder, but also the suffering of this person and the partner, it can also lead to conflicts in the relationship, or cause increased stress and tension in everyday life. If in any sphere of life sexual symptoms lead to tension, stress or suffering, it is a good idea to contact a sexologist who will help identify the problem, understand the cause and suggest appropriate treatment methods.
Idalia Leszczyńska – psychologist, sexologist and psychodynamic psychotherapist